
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Book #2 ~ "Turn"

My second book for this challenge is by another author whose messages I appreciate greatly.

Title: Turn

Author: Max Lucado

ISBN: 1-59052-450-0

My Review: Max Lucado does an excellent job of reminding us of the importance of living a "2 Chronicles 7:14" life.

Step by step, the author addresses each segment of this powerful Scripture, unfolding the messages in ways that illustrate the depth of God's words to us and His love for us. The reader is made aware of the lack of prayer existing in society and what a bleak prospect that situation creates. But the writer doesn't leave us in a place of futility; he provides hope through myriad illustrations and Bible verses.

My recommendation: Thumbs up! This is a small volume, and it can be read through quickly; however, I suggest taking the time to dig deeply into the messages. Read prayerfully. Look up the given Bible texts because the author chose them to emphasize the points made in his book. Reading God's Word opens our hearts to a greater understanding of the "bigger picture." For example, I would have missed a hidden message if I had glossed over one Scripture the author included.  The writer provided a very brief description of an incident (Psalm 106:30) whereby one little-known man (Phinehas) took a stand for God and prevented a plague from overtaking the people, but I would not have understood the full impact of the story had I not read the entire chapter in the Bible. What a huge blessing to be reminded that the prayers of one person can make a difference!   

Take time to read!
(Scripture, 2 Chronicles 7:14, taken from 21st Century King James Bible; capitalization and punctuation modified.)


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